
Showing posts from January, 2015

Exchange differential VSS backups and circular logging...

We've had an issue for a while where we had a third party put some of our databases into circular logging due to disk space issues. They didn't following the Microsoft guidelines and restart the Information Store/dismount and mount. Our backup solution, ArcServe was unable to complete differential backups of the databases in circular logging mode.  Obviously.  We were getting full backups it was just not ideal time wise. When we disabled circular logging and dismounted the databases as per the Microsoft instructions within 3 minutes we got errors in the event log detailing that a log file was missing.  Consequently the differential backups failed due to VSS being unable to snapshot the database. After talking with the third party and trying various methods.  We were left with little option other than to move the mailboxes from the database into a different database.  This was not ideal. The third party then suggested we try taking a couple of full backups of the datab